MMA Punching Bags
A variety of sizes, shapes and angles will encourage you to mix up your attack and use the unique design of each specialty bag to punch from different positions. Each bag is designed to provide you with various surfaces for uppercuts, hooks, head and body targets that will help you perfect your offensive arsenal.
Various types of punching bags and kicking bags have been used in the sport of Boxing, MMA, Muay Thai and we feature the best professional punching bags and heavy bags in the industry for commercial and home use! Personal taste and preference are a big part of selecting a heavy bag that suits your needs, which is why we give you virtually endless options to choose from, including; Boxing heavy bags, MMA Punching Bags, Muay Thai Heavy Bags, Speed Bags, Double End Bags, Muay Thai / MMA body opponents and even Boxing Punching Bags for kids.
All PROLAST MMA Heavy Bags & Boxing Punching Bags are Made in USA and come with Lifetime warranty.